Sunday, May 4, 2008

Sunday 4th May

As today was a day off I just did a 40km cycle to La Salle (and back) via some of the most lovely parks and pathways. The real beauty of cycling around Windsor is that it is flat. Don't know how I will ever deal with Richmond Hill Road when I return to Christchurch. After a couple of hours I found a Tim Horton's but just before I went in I asked a couple if they could tell me how to get to the waterfront. They gave me excellent instructions to Mona's Place - "Home of the famous Monaburger and the best breakfasts in town". Of course we also had a conversation because he was from Paisley in Scotland and she was from London, England but have lived her for the last 30 years. But Mona's place is in a beautiful setting, and the breakfast was excellent too (even though it was 2pm). I had taken Ranald Macdonald's "Scholarship of Academic Development" along for company, so sat out under a beautiful blue sky, on the waterfront and read a chapter or two. But no great thoughts were prompted today, except that I thought Michael might enjoy Sarah Mann's chapter.

1 comment:

Alison said...

For the Kiwis or Brits who might be reading this, Tim Horton's is the ubiquitous coffee shop that sells passable coffee (but not up to NZ standards).