Wednesday, May 14, 2008

More conference thoughts

These will be brief, as I am tired out even though I was only in the audience at a very interesting Campus Technology Day where lots of different aspects of technology in teaching, libraries, communication and portal were considered. I did learn yesterday that using your brain is more tiring that physical work, so I must have been concentrating hard. There was a large and impressive turnout of faculty, staff and students. I attended a very interesting presentation about the the way the University has gone about moving from its homegrown LMS (Vicki) to CLEW which is based on Sakai. This is of interest to me as this process is underway at Canterbury. I took lots of notes and will be talking more to the protagonists before I return. The major factors in the successful implementation appear to be partnerships and communication. There is also an elaborate system of advisory committees and I will be interested to hear how they worked. Many of the presentations were recorded so when they become publicly available I will put up a link so you can hear and see more.

I'm off to ask questions tomorrow and Friday at the Universities of Waterloo and McMaster so that I will have some data from which to write my papers for UC before I return. Also going to do some sightseeing - having hired a car, hope I remember which side of the road to drive on. I have been practising on my bicycle!

A totally unconnected photo - expect that there are often lots of cat conversations in CTL. This is a cat with attitude.

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