Friday, May 2, 2008

Getting CLEWed up

Friday 2 May

It is raining today, real rain that should speed up the spring flowers. But I have been inside learning about CLEW - Collaboration and Learning Environment Windsor - the new LMS which is being introduced across campus. I was especially interested as the University of Canterbury is currently evaluating its LMS and considering options. I did reflect, and subsequently discussed with Bev and Michael, how CTL can use CLEW in its daily work so that we can all speak with confidence about its use and capability. However, it also occurred to me as I ended my training session with a bundle of disorganised documents and folders etc, that actually the logistics of developing a coherent CLEW site could be facilitated by the prior development of learning outcomes, their associated learning activities and assessments.

Aside from my training session, I have also had some good conversations with Alan which touched on writing we hope to do together, workshop planning for STLHE and thinking about how we will evaluate the Visiting Educational Developer visits to the CTL. Good food for thought for the weekend. Hope the weather picks up.

Today's picture is designed to amuse!


Terry said...

Great Job Alison!

I love it! This is so cool.
I have read absolutely everything and went looking for more - I couldn't find enough and didn't get bored or lost at all.
One minor issue / comment:
You may want to consider changing the year in the title of this awesome resource to 2008.
And, where are the notes from your workshop? It generated enough energy to warrant showing up here (just my two cents).
I plan to be a regular visitor to see what is on your amazing mind...

Take Care!

Alison said...

Thanks Terry.

I've changed the date and will upload my slides from the workshop from my office when I get there.
